πŸŽƒ Cellist and Pumpkin Carving πŸŽƒ

In this page:

Here’s a special Halloween comic, happy Halloween πŸ™‚ πŸŽƒ
We’ll continue the story next week!

I was going to have two comic updates this week so as to not interrupt the story flow, but I just don’t have the time πŸ’¦πŸ’¦ sorry… I often wonder how those guys on Webtoons output comics so fast. I barely have enough time to output these four panels per week. 😩 But I’m glad I’m still able to at least produce one comic a week.

I guess because it’s their full-time job to work on those webtoons (the ones I’m talking about are featured comics, I think), they can dedicate all their time to it. Unfortunately, I can’t do that!

Okay, I’ll be at Youmacon this weekend! Yay!! I’m table L13.

3 thoughts on “πŸŽƒ Cellist and Pumpkin Carving πŸŽƒ”

  1. jackmarten

    you REALLY hate this blonde guy.. a knife to the eye should have killed him..
    and why is the priest dressed like megumi?

  2. Jacks


  3. Zarmoth β˜…

    How does one stab themselves in the face while carving a goddamned pumpkin? At this point he deserves the injury holding the blade like an idiot.

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